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Ready to shed the "shoulds" and
craft a life that reflects

Then you're right where you're meant to be. Here.


the True You

Intuitive Coaching Series

"Co-Create the True You" is a series of private sessions that connect you with your inner wisdom and true Self through a combination of Oracle Card readings, Astrology, and integrative, trauma-sensitive coaching.


Within this work, you get the benefits of illuminating your Unconscious through the messages revealed by the cards, an Astrological context for the energies and events you're experiencing, and - most importantly - the space to actualize your potential through a supportive structure of intuitive guidance, values-aligned action, and compassionate accountability. 


Here's how that can inform and impact your life...

"I feel empowered and at ease. Empowered because the series offered me so many tools I can rely upon and anchor in moving forward. I feel lighter after releasing long-held limiting beliefs to make space for and welcome more beneficial ones into my life. And at ease because now I'm allowing myself to trust the Universe, trust my gut. I am on the right path, I'm open to it, I have the tools... I see it for myself, and it feels wonderful."

Lili, VFX Producer + Creator/Host of "Liner Notas"

Co-Create the True You clients have experienced:

  • A closer, clearer, more intimate and integrated relationship with themselves


  • Less guilt, shame, and doubt about who they truly are, and what they need for themselves and want in their life


  • Improved self-regulation and a more soothed, supported nervous system


  • A greater capacity for compassion for both self and others


  • Clearer, more confident communication and self-expression


  • Deeper commitment to actually doing things that contribute to their health, happiness, creativity, and fulfillment

Which, in your day-to-day life, can look a lot like:

  • You know what you need. You ask for it, advocate for it, receive it and retain it.​​​


  • Choosing the job, the partner, your lifestyle based on what you want and value, not based on what others say you can have, is realistic, or you "should" aspire to.


  • Waking up peacefully and starting your day in the way that feels good for you, instead of waking up anxious or resentful and forcing yourself to do shit you hate.


  • Responding to conflict and discomfort with dignity, instead of getting sucked into drama or living avoidantly.


  • Being proud of who you are, as you are, and living out loud in every aspect.

"I confidently recommend working with Vanessa to anyone wanting to loosen the grips of perfectionism, identify the real You who has been longing to emerge, and integrate transformative solutions you can successfully implement. Vanessa is an exceptional ally in my journey of healing and self-discovery, and will be for you too."

Carrie, Tarot Reader + Facilitator at ApotheCarrie Tarot

Series Structure

All sessions are confidential and conducted remotely via Zoom.

Recordings and photos of card readings will be sent within 24 hours of your sessions.

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The Forecast - 2 hr​


Your series will kick off with a 2-hour, in-depth Oracle Card reading in which we'll identify the transformative theme for the upcoming month or quarter, clarify obstacles, discern next steps, and establish accountability for authentic actions that are aligned with your needs and values. 6-month series' have a second Forecast session at Week 14. 

Image by Tengyart

Integration Sessions - 1 hr each


1-hour support sessions held on alternating weeks to check-in around how the themes, questions, and invitations presented in the card readings are showing up for you. You'll be guided and supported around how to meet them with ease, curiosity, and pleasurable action steps that lead you in the direction of your desired outcome for the series. We'll also assess how you're feeling about your progress/process, and reorganize priorities or shift perspectives as needed. This is also where you celebrate how far you've come over the series, integrate what you've experienced, and move forward from a place of empowered choice!

Image by Jônatas Tinoco

New Moon Readings - 90 min


New Moons are magickal times for setting new intentions and investing energy into what you're ready to bring to fruition. In this 90-minute Oracle reading, you'll get a clear understanding of what beliefs, behaviors, patterns, or conditioning you're best served to surrender from your experience, and which are ready to claim that newly freed-up space to support your expansion, evolution, and vision for the series.

Image by Altınay Dinç

Full Moon Readings - 90 min


Full Moons indicate the completion of a lunar cycle, so these sessions will reveal which areas of your process you're ready for graduation, maturation, or mastery. In this 90-minute Oracle reading, you'll discern which energies have fulfilled their role in supporting your evolution and you'll connect with what's moving in to support your transition to your next phase of development!

Anchor 1

Programs + Payment Options

Choose the duration and payment schedule that works best for you.

There's no "right" way to approach this - trust your gut! And your budget 😉

Dates will be coordinated with you after booking via email.

Your first session - The Forecast - will take place two weeks prior to the next New Moon.

Subsequent sessions will be on a weekly basis at the day/time we agree to.

5-Week Series

First time coaching with me? Have a really specific and attainable goal? Start here!

We can always expand if you need more space.

Image by Irina Krutova

Pay In Full

Image by Ahmed Zayan

2 Payments

Image by Vignesh Kumar R B

Weekly Payments

5 Payments of $210

Due prior to each session

2 Payments of $525

Deposit, then billed Week 4

Single Payment $888

Save 15%

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3-Month Series

For intentions that need some extra time and TLC, or are entwined with emotional and/or systemic responses that you'd like to recondition, this format will fit you well.

Image by Praveen kumar Mathivanan

Pay In Full

Image by Paula Morin

Monthly Payments

ja estava com você_edited.jpg

Weekly Payments

Single Payment $2,320

Save 15%!

13 Payments of $210

Due prior to each session

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6-Month Series

If you're ready to truly change direction in your life, to heal hurtful patterns, and bring more ease into your experience, more autonomy into your identity, and more compassion into your relationships, this is the structure for you. It's especially effective when practiced in partnership with therapy!

Image by Grant Durr

Pay In Full

Image by Sharon McCutcheon

Monthly Payments

Image by Jason D

Bi-Weekly Payments

Single Payment $4,640

Save 15%!

13 Payments $420

Deposit, then billed 1st + 15th of each month

6 Payments of $910

Deposit, then billed 1st of each month

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If you're still not sure which option is the best structure for you, or...

If you feel deeply called to this work but find yourself without the necessary resources to afford it,



I'm happy to answer your questions about how to choose the best format to fit your objectives,

and I'll do my best to offer a sliding scale rate if you're experiencing financial constriction.

3 Payments of $910

Deposit, then billed Weeks 6 + 12

"Vanessa communicated the truth I tried to ignore for so so long but definitely needed to hear. I really appreciated her spiritual knowledge that beautifully integrates light and shadow. There is no spiritual bypassing on her watch!"

- Lena M.

Still curious if this is the right fit for you?

This series is a safe, compassionate, lovingly-challenging space where you will:


  • take responsibility as a co-creative force in your life;​


  • face and embrace the parts of yourself that you've shunned and "shoulded" away (probably for good reasons!);


  • hold yourself accountable to the person you are becoming while accepting and loving the person you are now and have been;


  • discern what your needs, desires, and aspirations are outside of what others have told you is possible or appropriate for you;


  • define boundaries that serve and support you;


  • learn to use astrological energies as tools for self-connection and self-care, not as forces victimizing you or as stereotyped identities;  


  • commit to taking action that aligns with your values, your truth, and your definition of fulfillment;


  • create a more integrated Self and a life that reflects YOU in all your lovely, weird, wonder!

These sessions are NOT:


  • predictive or meant to pre-determine what's going to happen "to" you;


  • suited for those who have never had an intuitive reading before (be it Tarot, Akashic Records, Astrology, etc.) or for whom this is the first introduction to emotional growth or spiritual healing work. If this is you, I suggest starting with an Oracle Card Reading, or seeking out a practitioner who specializes in supporting those who are at the beginning of their healing journey. 


  • me giving you answers, advice, or more "shoulds" to shoulder. I will...

    • offer encouragement and support as you challenge yourself to grow by making new choices,

    • suggest tools for self-connection and self-care so you feel physically and emotionally strong,

    • give honest reflection about how you speak to and treat yourself, the patterns you're repeating, and the opportunities for change that you're overlooking,

    • provide intuitive insights into how you are being spiritually guided and archetypally activated...​​


  • again, not, a substitute for therapy or professional mental health care - in fact, this is a great compliment to holistic models of therapy, like IFS or Transpersonal!

"The privilege of a lifetime is to
become who you truly are." 

- Carl Jung
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