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Image by Arun Clarke

Before a butterfly emerges, it must first un-become its caterpillar self.

Not because it is bad.

Because it is time.

Is it time to welcome the next phase of your transformation?

"I confidently recommend working with Vanessa to anyone wanting to loosen the grips of perfectionism, identify the real You who has been longing to emerge, and integrate transformative solutions you can successfully implement. Vanessa is an exceptional ally in my journey of healing and self-discovery, and will be for you too."

Carrie, Tarot Reader + Facilitator at ApotheCarrie Tarot

Image by Jackson David


a year-long personal growth journey guiding you through the shadow-work of unbecoming who you were so you can emerge as the You you've always been within.

Imaginal Alchemy is what happens in the space between caterpillar and butterfly, between lead turning into gold.


In the cocoon, the caterpillar decomposes into a kind of goo and the imaginal cells that hold all the coding for the butterfly it's going to become are allowed to activate, bringing the butterfly out of its potential and into being.


Similarly in alchemy, there are several phases that happen between the bookends of Lead and Gold - each phase with its own inherent value and role to play in the transformation process. 


Growth and healing are not about demonizing a flaw or failure and glorifying a goal achieved; growth and healing are about valuing and being present with every part of your process, every part of you, so you have a full sense of, and appreciation for, who you are. 


In this 1:1 coaching space, we take our time and we take up space. We'll work together to connect the dots between past experiences, present beliefs and choice patterns, and intentions for your future. You'll build greater capacity for emotional processing and integration, and cultivate deeper compassion, curiosity, and acceptance toward yourself and others.


Ultimately, you'll emerge - not as a "better" version of yourself - as a more fully embodied, more freely expressed version of You.

As an Imaginal Alchemy client, you'll experience:

Which, in your day-to-day life, can look a lot like:

A closer, clearer, more intimate and integrated relationship with yourself​​

Masking happens at a minimum - consciously, and at your discretion. You no longer sacrifice your wellbeing, truth, or dignity to make others comfortable.​

Less guilt, shame, and doubt about who you truly are, and what you need for yourself and want in your life

Choosing the job, the partner, the lifestyle based on what you want and value - not based on what others say you can have, is realistic, or you "should" aspire to

Improved self-regulation and a more soothed, supported nervous system

No longer forcing yourself to endure situations or sensations that cause you anxiety or overwhelm, and knowing how to recognize and meet your needs when you're feeling activated

A greater capacity for compassion, trust, patience, and being present for both yourself and others

You forgive yourself and others more easily. You allow yourself more room to experiment and make "mistakes." You find value in things that don't work out and apply that knowledge going forward

Clearer, more confident communication and self-expression

You know what you need. You ask for it, advocate for it, receive it and retain it. And ultimately have more to share!​​​

Deeper commitment to doing things that contribute to your health, happiness, creativity, and fulfillment - and building the capacity to get them done without burning out or shutting down

Contributing to your life, relationships, community, and work in a way that feels fully authentic, energizing, and enjoyable, while also honoring your boundaries and meeting your needs

Need this in your life?

"Vanessa communicated the truth I tried to ignore for so so long but definitely needed to hear. I really appreciated her spiritual knowledge that beautifully integrates light and shadow. There is no spiritual bypassing on her watch!"

- Lena M.

Who is this coaching program for?

45 90-minute sessions held weekly over the course of 1 year. This leaves 6 weeks to allow for holidays, vacations, and just taking a break! No work, however helpful, should be non-stop.

What does this year-long program look like?

45 90-minute sessions held weekly over the course of 1 year. This leaves 6 weeks to allow for holidays, vacations, and just taking a break! No work, however helpful, should be non-stop.

Contracts are signed in 6-month timeframes. The expectation is a year-long commitment. happens - health, family, and finances experience unexpected change. My intention isn't to lock you into something you can't sustain due to circumstances you couldn't anticipate. But if you're hesitant to, or uncertain that you can, commit to a full year of working together, I encourage you to wait until you're ready. This work is successful in large part because of the momentum built by consistently showing up for yourself and practicing a revolving process of personal inventory, innovating intentions, implementing actions, and integrating outcomes. This takes about a year - if committing to that excites and inspires you, you're in the right place.

Cost is $888/month. Pay-in-full option saves you 10% (that's over $1000!). Monthly payment option is billed automatically.

"I feel empowered and at ease. Empowered because the series offered me so many tools I can rely upon and anchor in moving forward. I feel lighter after releasing long-held limiting beliefs to make space for and welcome more beneficial ones into my life. And at ease because now I'm allowing myself to trust the Universe, trust my gut. I am on the right path, I'm open to it, I have the tools... I see it for myself, and it feels wonderful."

Lili, VFX Producer + Creator/Host of "Liner Notas"

Still curious if this is the right fit for you?

This series is a safe, compassionate, lovingly-challenging space where you will:


  • take responsibility as a co-creative force in your life;​


  • face and embrace the parts of yourself that you've shunned and "shoulded" away (probably for good reasons!);


  • hold yourself accountable to the person you are becoming while accepting and loving the person you are now and have been;


  • discern what your needs, desires, and aspirations are outside of what others have told you is possible or appropriate for you;


  • define boundaries that serve and support you;


  • learn to use astrological energies as tools for self-connection and self-care, not as forces victimizing you or as stereotyped identities;  


  • commit to taking action that aligns with your values, your truth, and your definition of fulfillment;


  • create a more integrated Self and a life that reflects YOU in all your lovely, weird, wonder!

These sessions are NOT:


  • predictive or meant to pre-determine what's going to happen "to" you;


  • suited for those who have never had an intuitive reading before (be it Tarot, Akashic Records, Astrology, etc.) or for whom this is the first introduction to emotional growth or spiritual healing work. If this is you, I suggest starting with an Oracle Card Reading to get a feel for the kind of work we'd do together; 


  • me giving you answers, advice, or more "shoulds" to shoulder. I will...

    • offer encouragement and support as you challenge yourself to grow by making new choices,

    • suggest tools for self-connection and self-care so you feel physically and emotionally strong,

    • give honest reflection about how you speak to and treat yourself, the patterns you're repeating, and the opportunities for change that you're overlooking,

    • provide intuitive insights into how you are being spiritually guided and archetypally activated...​​


  • again, not, a substitute for therapy or professional mental health care - in fact, this is a great compliment to holistic models of therapy, like IFS or Transpersonal!

"The privilege of a lifetime is to
become who you truly are." 

- Carl Jung
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